Interaction Blocks

You can use interaction blocks to present exercises to your learners. In this table we have categorized the different interaction blocks:

Category Description Interaction blocks
Choice Choose one or more items from a set
  • Text choice
  • Inline text choice
  • Graphic choice
  • Audio choice
Order Order items from a set
  • Text Order
  • Graphic Order
Branching Choose one item from a set that leads to a specific slide
  • Branching Text Choice
  • Branching Graphic Choice
  • Branching Audio Choice
Text Entry Enter text
  • Inline Text Entry
  • Open Text Entry
  • Text Entry Set
Match Match items from one set to another set
  • Inline Text Match
  • Hot-Spot Text Match
Speech Speech-recognition enabled exercises
  • Pronunciation
  • Conversation
  • Hot-Spot Vocabulary


In choice interaction blocks, learners will have to choose one or more correct items from a set. These items can either contain text (text choice, inline text choice), images (graphic choice) or audio (audio choice).

Text, graphic and audio choice

Text Choice

After you've selected one of the choice interaction blocks, you can add the response options. For text choice this simply means filling in the response options. For audio and graphic choice, you'll need to select or upload the appropriate media by clicking the edit button. You can mark the response option as correct or incorrect by clicking the checkbox in front of the response option. In case of multiple correct options, the learner needs to select at least one option for a correct answer.

For text choice interactions, you can choose to let learners say the response option instead of clicking or tapping it. To enable this, select 'Speech' from the Input dropdown list in the settings menu. By default, the response options will be shuffled every time the learner will enter the slide. However, this can be disabled by turning off the Shuffle options switch in the settings menu.

Normally learners will only get corrective feedback in choice interactions. In order to offer additional feedback or information, Feedback messages can be used.

Inline text choice

Inline Choice

To create exercises where users need to fill in one or more gaps in a sentence by choosing items from a predefined list, you can use the inline text choice interaction. In order to create these, you'll first have to enter the sentence or paragraph that serves as the template text. Afterwards, select one or more words that should be shown as the gap and click the add button. The word(s) now will be shown with a dotted border which represents the gap.

You can create multiple gaps and select them by clicking on it. After you've selected a gap, you can edit the response options on the right-hand side. Multiple response options can be marked as correct. If you want to remove a gap, select it and click the remove button.


Graphic Order

We offer 2 order interactions: text order and graphic order. In text order interactions, learners will have to put textual items (words, sentences) in the right order. In graphic order interactions, graphics instead of text can be used.

In order to create order interactions, first the items will need to be created. These represent the things that need to be put in the correct order by the learner. For text order interactions, you can fill these in by entering the text, and for graphic order interactions you'll need to select or upload the images.

For text order interactions, you can change the directionof the the items from Horizontal (sentence mode) to Vertical (list mode).

Text Order

By default the order in which the items are filled in will also represent the correct response. However, if you want to define multiple correct responses, you can do that under the Correct responses tab. Here you can add extra correct responses by clicking the Add correct reponse button. The response can then be changed by dragging the items in the correct order.


With branching interactions, you can link specific slides to response options. You can edit the branching text, audio and graphic choice interactions in the same way as the Choice interactions.

Learn how to link slides to the response options in the Storyboard & Branching.

Text entry

Inline text entry

Inline text entry interactions are similar to Inline text choice interactions and are created in almost the same manner. The only difference is that learners will enter their response(s) by typing. Furthermore, only correct response options have to be entered, because other responses from the learner will be marked as incorrect.

Open text entry

The open text entry interaction can be used when the learner's cannot be scored automatically. In this case, one or more sample solutions can be filled in so learners can compare their response themselves.

Optionally, you can enter a placeholder text as an initial text that the learner will have to edit. Furthermore, the minimum and maximum number of words can be chosen to limit the learner's response.


Inline text match

The inline text match interaction is very similar to Inline text choice interaction and is created in almost the same way. The only difference is that, when there are multiple gaps in the sentence, there is a single set of response options the learner can choose from instead of a set per gap. In order words: the learner has to match the gap with the right option.



The goal of pronunciation interactions is to let learners read or say a sentence and to give them feedback on their pronunciation using Automatic Speech Recognition. Creating these interactions requires some expertise and knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) International Phonetic Alphabet.


To create a pronunciation interaction, you'll start by entering a target sentence. This is the sentence that needs to be read by the learner. After clicking Create, the correct pronunciations of the words will be determined and you can now edit the individual words of the sentence.

Select the words you want to give feedback on by clicking on them. You can enable feedback for the word by switching Enable feedback on.


In order to tell the speech recognizer what constitutes as an incorrect pronunciation of the word, you'll have to enter these. This can be done by clicking Add under Incorrect pronunciations. A phonetic keyboard will open which you'll use to enter the phonetic transcriptions of the incorrect pronunciations. You can add a phoneme by clicking on the respective button and click backspace to delete it.

To save time, you can use a correct pronunciation variant as a starting point for entering an incorrect pronunciation. To do this, first click the content_copy button next to the correct pronunciation you want to use. Then, mark the pronunciation as incorrect by clicking the green check icon. The pronunciation will move to the list of incorrect pronunciations and you can now edit it by clicking the edit button.

To enter a different target sentence, you first need to go back by clicking the replay button.

Beware that when you enter a new target sentence, the edited pronunciations will not be saved.

Feedback messages

In order to give more detailed feedback to the learner than just 'right' or 'wrong', you can Feedback messages for most interactions.

Feedback message

You can enter a feedback message for a correct or an incorrect response by the learner. To enable these, first go to the Feedback messages tab, then enable the Incorrect or Correct feedback message switches (or both). Now you can enter text messages and, if required, translations.